Here are the submission requirements for Decadent Publishing's 1Night Stand series. 15-30K word count (feel free to go over that count if your story needs those extra words). When you submit to DP for the 1NS series, please let them know that in your query.
We accept only one manuscript at a time per author.
We do not accept simultaneous submissions.
Decadent does not accept submissions that contain illegal sexual acts, bestiality (including un-shifted/shifted shapeshifter combinations), incest, pedophilia, glorified racial intolerance, necrophilia, or graphic rape for purposes of titillation (if it is an integral part of the story and not posed in a positive light it may be considered).
1NS submissions can be sensual to smoking hot. Sexual or sensual scenes should enhance, not be, the story.
Send an email to for a submissions form. Please do not send your manuscript without requesting this form.
Attach a brief cover email with any information you feel is important to include with your submission.
Send the full manuscript in Times New Roman 12 pt font and 1.5-spaced, one-inch margins, no headers, footers or page numbers please!
Decadent Publishing works electronically; we do not accept paper submissions.