Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Curses! Can’t a Ghost Get a Little Love?

Buy Ghost of a Chance HERE!

by Deena Remiel
What if your spouse got so angry, that besides divorcing you, they cursed you and turned you into a ghost of who you are? No hypothesizing necessary for Remy Charles. His ex-wife did just that! 

Now, ghosts can be spooky. They can be goofy. They can be downright mischievous and evil. But MY ghost, Remy Charles, is simply a ghost of a man, cursed by his ex-wife exacting her revenge, to suffer the remainder of his days in the shadows of society. Truly transparent or slightly opaque when he tries really hard, he’s been ghosting through the past ten years, watching his supposed friends leave him one by one. He turned his business dealings over to someone who could take care of his multi-billion dollar corporation until an answer to his curse could be found.

Holy cow! Can’t a ghost get a little love around here?! Well, to be fair, Remy wasn’t the husband of the year when he first married. He was busy getting his fledgling company off the ground, leaving his wife along most of the time. There’s only so much a woman can take before she’s had enough. Right? But, after being cursed, he realized the error of his ways and tried to apologize. She wanted nothing of it.

COLD. Real cold.

There have been plenty of couples who have suffered similar destruction to their relationships. But all is not lost for our resident ghost. A light at the end of the tunnel comes in the form of a dating service, Madame Eve’s 1 Night Stand, and a woman, Susannah, who’s been ghosting through her own life and is ready to be present again.

So can a ghost get a little love? I’m thinking there may be a Ghost of a Chance that for both parties, the answer is yes…

“Will you join me over here or shall I join you in the mysterious shadows?”
“You’re lovely over there. Stay. The way the light plays against your hair and sparkles in your eyes, well…you’re breathtaking, Susannah.”
Rendered speechless by his intensity, she stood as still as the statue they spoke of, and… blushed. Her cheeks were on fire! Get a grip, Susannah! “Thank you. I….I, heck.” She blew out a breath and started again. “Come over here so we can sit and get better acquainted.”
He still didn’t move. Is he so shy that he hides behind trees and in shadows?
“Do you think I’ll get to see you before the night is over?” She heard a soft chuckle. Good, maybe a little humor will loosen him up.
“Perhaps. I’m a bit nervous, as you can no doubt tell. I haven’t had any success with this kind of thing before.”
She took a step toward him—she would have to be the aggressor. “Neither have I, and I’m a little nervous, too.”
“You mentioned in your bio you were interested in a magical experience. One that would ‘sweep you away’.” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat.
“Yes, I am.” She inched closer to the frozen, outlined figure.
“Before you take another step, you should know I’m different.”
“I read in the New York Times that you became reclusive about ten years ago. You’ve taken great strides toward ending that by being here now.”
“There’s a reason why I keep to myself. It may startle you, so be prepared. I am very much on the magical side of this world at the moment.”
Before she could move, he did, which brought him out of the shadows and into the light. Susannah gasped, startled at the transparency of the man who stood before her. Nervous laughter bubbled in her throat.
“What is this, some kind of joke? A holographic image projected here while you hide safe and secure in your room?”
“I’m afraid not. I’ve been living an alternative lifestyle lately.” He opened his arms as if to show himself off and let them fall back to his sides. “And this is all I am. I’m a ghost of a man, Susannah.”

CLICK TO BUY: Ghost of a Chance