It’s been a year since
Emmy Patterson and her fiancé Nick Klaussen were reunited through Madame Eve’s
1Night Stand agency. What have they been up to? Emmy sent a letter with her
Christmas card, I’m happy to share it with you! Merry Christmas!

Holidays, Everyone!
I apologize for the letter in this
Christmas greeting (you know how I detest them), but so much has happened the
past year, I wanted to share the news with the people I love.
The biggest news is that I am a ‘Mrs.’
January 1st, Nick and I will be married one year, although he’s had
my heart for more than twenty!
I won’t bore you with details of our
reunion, but he told me I fainted when
I first saw him after twenty years of wondering if he was coming back! It’s
hard to believe Nick disappeared three presidential administrations and how
many political scandals ago!
As in all things in his life and
personality, he’s adapted to ‘normal’ life so well. The two years at Coronado ‘re-integrating,
before he felt ‘normal’ enough again to seek me out, undoubtedly helped, but we both are saddened
we couldn’t be together for those 600-and-some precious extra days. He still
gets terribly quiet on occasion and feels guilty about his self-indulgence
regarding his situational past, but he’s 99.999% the Nick I fell in love with
so long ago.
Despite not knowing Seth most of his
young life, the two are very close. They get along famously! We’ll be attending
a graduation in Annapolis this Spring! We’re
terribly proud Seth followed in his father’s footsteps, but are still concerned
about what the situation of the world could mean for him.
I’m still ‘doing glass,’ and it’s
amazing that I can do what I love and make a living at it and for so many years. It seems regardless of the ups and downs in
the economy, people still want inspiring ‘pretty things’ in their homes. And,
yes, Paul Stark at Third Street Gallery in Milwaukee is still my agent.
And yes, although a steadfast and wonderful friend, still a flaming pain in the
butt! (Love you, Paulie!)
Nick is also doing what he loves,
albeit—thankfully—in much safer
environment. He’s been hired as a firearms instructor for law enforcement
agencies across the state of Wisconsin . He’s also kept busy
visiting with Vets at hospitals and homes—it’s touching to watch him as he so
intimately knows the pain these Warriors carry with them on a daily basis.
There is some wonderful powder falling
outside, so we’re off to grab our niece, Parker and hit the Kiwanis Park hills with our
trusty, rusty saucers before dark sets in!
Wishing you a full heart, a warm hearth,
and love surrounds you this holiday season!
Emmy & Nick
Marie, Boof and Harry also wish you a ‘Rrrow Mrrow Mrrow!’)
When not playing with the people in her head, Wendy has a silly life working in TV and radio. She shares her clean, yet perpetually dusty hovel with her her way-too-cute chef husband and three furry feline kids. She's proud to be a displaced Cheesehead, now living in Cpl. Maxwell Klinger's hometown.Find her on Facebook, Twitter (@WendyBurke1994) or send her a nasty email ( to which she will promptly respond! Her fifth book with Decadent Publishing, For Me, a Rubenesque 1Night Stand story, is on sale now at Decadent Publishing and other reputable ebook retailers.
When not playing with the people in her head, Wendy has a silly life working in TV and radio. She shares her clean, yet perpetually dusty hovel with her her way-too-cute chef husband and three furry feline kids. She's proud to be a displaced Cheesehead, now living in Cpl. Maxwell Klinger's hometown.Find her on Facebook, Twitter (@WendyBurke1994) or send her a nasty email ( to which she will promptly respond! Her fifth book with Decadent Publishing, For Me, a Rubenesque 1Night Stand story, is on sale now at Decadent Publishing and other reputable ebook retailers.
I'm so happy for Emmy & Nick! Lovely idea, sending Madame Eve a Christmas update on the HEA <3